Kenyon Connects


January 18, 2022
Chronic disease management is something that is so vital to patient outcomes and efficient patient care, but it is often put on the back burner of day-to-day operations. So ask yourself why you haven’t invested in keeping chronic disease education on the forefront of your plan. Is it financial? Is it because you don’t have the staff to pull from the field? If it hasn’t been something you have thought about in a long time, then it’s time to revisit your plan. Why Chronic Disease Education? It is a well-known concept that when you put the clinical emphasis on something, it improve for a period of time. For instance, have you taken a routine approach to Oasis education at some point in the past? Did you notice an improvement in accurate Oasis scoring? When our staff is engaged with routine education, the topic becomes forefront in routine practice. So, it only makes sense to make chronic disease education an important investment in your agency. Now, let’s take a look at things to consider when choosing your chronic disease education platform. 1. Online or In-person: For those agencies large enough with decent-sized education budgets, you may have your own education department. This makes in-person lecture style teaching work for your agency. If you don’t have your own in-house education department, then online is the more affordable and easily accessible option. Either way, you have to find the best fit for your agency. 2. Comprehensive Teaching: Chronic disease education is a huge topic. You have to consider the disease process, care-planning, care coordination, and discipline specific care. 3. Discipline Specific Education: Chronic disease education isn’t a nurse only thing. It needs to include therapy disciplines and home health aide staff. Our aides are so often underutilized and they can be such an integral part of chronic disease management. 4. Ongoing Process: This can’t be a one-and-done kind of teaching. You have to make it consistent to stick just like anything else you want to implement in your agency. Hone in on certain disease processes one at a time. Then, what changes in the care plan depending upon how long the patient has had the diagnosis? Work with staff on realistic care plans. Are you going to suddenly make the 45 year smoker quit? If not, then maybe you need to work in other areas that you can improve quality of life for the patient. The care plans need to be patient specific and not cookie cutter for a particular diagnosis. 5. Operational Changes: Once you have completed the education to staff, then you need to move to how it will change the way the clinician practices in regards to work flow. You need to have a plan in place to change the way staff execute the care plan. You should see an increase in care coordination that is meaningful and patient specific. If you just provide the education and no way for the clinical staff to put it into practice, the dollars you have invested will be lost. Kenyon Homecare Consulting Can Help: At Kenyon Homecare Consulting , we have comprehensive educational platforms to help your homecare staff make a difference in chronic disease management. Give us a call today at 206-721-5091 or contact us online to see how we can help you become the experts in chronic disease care.
By Archal Rami March 3, 2021
As much as we have seen change in the last several years, we are now at the head of looking forward to post acute payment systems. In this article we would like to consider what this means in term of chronic disease care within your agency. The particular items within the payment system are not decided, but your approach to chronic disease needs to be. Overview Of Post-Acute Payment Unification: In this industry, we have said it for years and known that we are the most cost-effective way to take care of patients in a post-acute setting. However, CMS sees that many patients who could be managed at home are sent to costlier inpatient post-acute care. So, CMS still wants to see patients receive the post-acute care, but not pay more for it than what the patient requires. What does this mean? Ultimately, the payment for care of the patient is dependent upon the patient’s specific needs as opposed to the setting in which the care is received. The goal is for the CHF patient at home to cost the same to CMS as if the patient was in a SNF or other inpatient facility. So, that means we need to make sure we can provide the same outcomes as inpatient care. Now, let’s discuss your chronic disease program. Chronic Disease Can’t Be The Same Old, Same Old: Kenyon Homecare Consulting has long focused clients on the need for a strong chronic disease program to improve patient outcomes and coordinated care planning. Without a strong program that links all disciplines to actively addressing chronic disease every visit, you aren’t going to do well in a unified payment system. You will have to consider additional unnecessary visits to cover the patient and re-hospitalization will not improve. So, look at how you educate current staff and keep chronic disease in the forefront of care. Look at what orientation procedures bring staff into the fold of chronic disease care. And lastly, look how you make sure all clinical disciplines put the pieces together. Clinical staff functioning independently from one another in the management of the care plan does not manage chronic disease well. The time to start is now. Let Us Help You Be Chronic Disease Experts: At Kenyon Homecare Consulting, we have disease specific chronic disease training for individual clinicians as well as for agencies working to make coordinated care planning successful. Call us today at 206-721-5091 or contact us online to see how we can help your chronic disease program make you the best in your area.
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