If you are getting ready for survey, then you realize having an up-to-date policy and procedure manual is key to avoiding citations. This means having all the necessary policies present to represent current regulations and to have your operations noted to show how you comply. Many times, agencies have one or the other, but not both. If you are considering buying a manual online instead of updating yours, then here is what you should know. Then, there is no reason to hold back.
The Process To Buying An Online Policy and Procedure Manual:
The first question to ask is how long it has been since yours has been updated? It’s not uncommon for us to see agencies with policies that have not changed over 20 years and now they have big issues at survey time. Here is what to do when looking to purchase a manual online:
1. Research your manual: Talk to the vendor looking to sell you a policy and procedure manual before you put anything in your online shopping cart. Many providers offer a multiple different manuals for different service lines. You need to make sure you purchase one that is accreditation ready if you need it. The accrediting bodies will review vendor’s manuals for accuracy. Before you buy, ask if the particular policy and procedure manual has been approved by the accrediting body.
2. Do you want your state rules incorporated? If so, then you need to find a vendor that provides it. If not, you will need to add them in yourself or pay a consulting service to make sure it is up-to-date.
3. Once it is purchased: You will have instructions from your provider. For instance, the template should allow you to type in your agency’s name one time and it populate throughout the manual. These things are important from the standpoint of ease to customize your manual.
4. Making the manual specific to your agency: Operations still need added to your policy. The manuals will have all the regulations incorporated into it. The one thing it will not contain is how your agency complies with the regulation. Anything policy that requires a process measure or needs to designate the person responsible for maintaining compliance will have to be added. This is the step agencies can’t forget when purchasing the manual.
5. Pull out what doesn’t apply and add what does: Don’t keep policies in your hard copy that don’t apply to your agency. You will also need to add things like your agency’s line of authority. You may see there is a line of authority policy in your purchased manual, but you need to alter it to fit the job titles in your agency.
Let Kenyon Homecare Consulting Be Your Online Manual Vendor:
Kenyon Homecare Consulting, we have a comprehensive line of fully customizable online manuals for homecare/ private duty, home health, and hospice. We have accreditation and non-accreditation ready versions. We have several manuals with the state rules incorporated. If you want assistance to incorporate your state rules, then we have senior level consultants to assist. You can see our full of manual on our website
here. Before purchasing, please call us at 206-721-5091 or
contact us online to make sure you choose the right one to meet your agency’s needs.
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