So, you have a sudden vacancy or a planned one in your agency. Maybe this is new territory when it comes to replacing administrative positions. If so, then you need to understand the role of an interim manager and why not considering one may be a costly move. Let’s look at roles, benefits, and core competencies of an interim manager.
Why An Interim Manager?
First of all, this isn’t a permanent position. You consider interim management because your new executive cannot be found soon enough to cover the role. It also applies when you don’t have someone within the organization with the skills or time to function as acting manager while someone else is found. Typically, interim management is 3-9 months in length, but shorter and longer scenarios are also common depending on the agency. The interim manager is present to help an agency undergoing a major change, implementing a critical strategy, or to plug a critical management gap.
7 Benefits Of The Interim Manager:
If this is a brand new concept for you in your agency, then you need to know what a interim manager brings to your agency’s table. Here are our top 7:
1. High Level Agency Review: The interim manager can provide an unbiased review of the organization with plans for correction where needed.
2. Speed: Those individuals who fill these roles are available quickly. Most are available to start within days with minimal recruitment or termination formalities.
3. Experience: Typically, these individuals are overqualified for the roles they fill. This means they can operate autonomously if necessary with very little guidance.
4. Results: Track records and performance really count, so interim managers are used to being judged by results. Therefore, they know to deliver.
5. Knowledge Transfer: With experience comes skill, contacts, and knowledge transferred to your team that become long-term.
6. Objectivity: While sensitive to the company’s ethos, they are not constrained by company politics, personalities, or protocols. This includes recommendations for “right-sizing” the agency. This may include elimination of staff that is underperforming or positions that are unnecessary because of inefficiency.
7. Delivery: Interim Managers can act as counsel to the Board of Directors while rolling up their sleeves to help deliver the strategy as well.
Core Competencies:
In order to be considered for a role in interim management, there are certain core competencies that have to be in place. Here are the 6 things to expect in an interim manager:
1. Independent worker that can function and produce without direction.
2. Strategic thinker
3. Innovative
4. Broad and deep understanding of the industry
5. Process planning/ Plan management skills
6. Works well under pressure while managing personalities and other management staff with ease and calm
Part two of our interim management series will focus on job responsibilities, researching and finding the right interim manager, and succession planning/ strategic planning with interim management.
At Kenyon Homecare Consulting, we offer the industry experts to fill the role of interim managers in your agency. We have those with expertise in clinical skills, operations, and financial matters. Call us today at 206-721-5091 or contact us online and let us help you find the interim manager that meets your needs.
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