If you read part 1 of this series, you know the role, benefits, and core competencies of interim management. In part 2, we want to delve into job responsibilities, researching and finding the right interim manager, and succession planning/ strategic planning. At the end of this series, you should have the basis for determining if interim management is the service you need and how to find the right one for your agency.
Job Responsibilities Of An Interim Manager:
Specific job responsibilities of an interim manager are determined by you and your agency. You need to look at the role and decide if the person is a place holder or a change agent. Do you want him or her in an autonomous role or that of shared responsibility? Is the interim manager to report to the Board or to an owner? What expectations do you have as an organization for this individual and what outcomes do you want to see? Here are typical interim manager job responsibilities to consider:
1. Full organizational assessments to address critical issues first
2. The interim manager models behavior expected of staff
3. Provides positive and supportive leadership
4. Designs and implements improvement to procedures/protocols for a project or personnel
5. Sets deadlines for assigned projects and hold employees accountable to it
6. Oversees patterns in productivity to improve efficiency
7. Replaces individuals/ eliminates positions that no longer meet the needs of the corporation
8. Verifies equipment is functioning properly/ makes repairs if needed
9. Verifies that staff have needed equipment and supplies
Researching The Role And Finding The Right Interim :
Interim managers are put into place as temporary positions when there is no one in the current corporation to successfully take the position. It occurs most frequently when a manager abruptly quits or leaves their position, or a new program is added to the organization that needs a manager. The interim serves as a place holder until a candidate fills the position permanently.
You need to consider certain items when researching the role for your agency. Here are the 4 things to consider when researching who you choose for the role:
1. Do you need someone on site full time?
2. What is your agency focus for the year (internal or external)?
3. Do you need someone more skilled in clinical, financial, or operations (or a combination of all)?
4. Make contacts now to choose the right fit for your agency
The next step is finding the right person and that begins with really defining the need you have in that position. When you call to speak with a consulting company that offers interim management services, they will be able to help guide you in the process. You will need to look at specific duties, personality fit, background experience, area of expertise needed and independent function versus working as part of a team.
Succession Planning/ Strategic Planning:
In so many agencies, succession planning is often not done well. When you consider you current position with your agency, do you think you are too far from retirement to have a succession plan in place? Well, you need to consider if something makes you unexpectedly incapable of filling your role. You have to consider things like sudden health changes or a spouse changing jobs that causes a sudden need for relocation. These need to be things that come into your routine strategic plan.
Interim Management should be a discussion as part of yearly strategic planning. It starts with open communication to staff about all positions including your own. Consider all department heads in the process. Cross train staff to cover portions of each other’s roles to help fill the void where it is possible. Interim Management becomes part of that ongoing conversation along with touching base with companies to make sure you have a contact in place should you suddenly need it.. Expect the unexpected to be as prepared as possible.
At Kenyon Homecare Consulting, we offer the industry experts to fill the role of interim managers in your agency. We have those with expertise in clinical skills, operations, and financial matters. Call us today at 206-721-5091 or contact us online and let us help you find the interim manager that meets your needs.
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